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This cookie policy explains what cookies are, how we use them, and how you can manage them when you visit our website or use our services. By accessing or using our website or services, you agree to our use of cookies as described in this cookie policy.

What Are Cookies


Cookies are small text files that are stored on your browser or device by websites or applications that you visit or use. Cookies can store various types of information, such as your preferences, settings, login details, browsing history, and other data. Cookies can also help websites or applications to recognize you and provide you with a better and more personalized experience.

How We Use Cookies


We use cookies for various purposes, such as:


  • To provide and improve our website and services: We use cookies to deliver our website and services to you, to remember your choices and preferences, to customize and optimize your experience, to measure and analyze the performance and usage of our website and services, and to troubleshoot and resolve any issues. 
  • To communicate with you: We use cookies to send you newsletters, updates, promotions, surveys, and other marketing communications that may be of interest to you. You can opt out of receiving these communications at any time by following the instructions in the messages or contacting us. 
  • To protect our rights and interests: We use cookies to protect our rights and interests, to enforce our terms and conditions, to prevent fraud and abuse, to comply with legal obligations, to resolve disputes, and to defend ourselves from claims or liabilities.

What Types of Cookies We Use


We use different types of cookies on our website and services, such as:

  • Session cookies: These are temporary cookies that are deleted when you close your browser or device. They are used to store information about your current session, such as your login status or shopping cart items. 
  • Persistent cookies: These are cookies that remain on your browser or device until you delete them or they expire. They are used to store information about your preferences, settings, or actions across multiple sessions or visits. 
  • First-party cookies: These are cookies that are set by us or our website or services. They are used to provide you with the features and functionalities of our website or services. 
  • Third-party cookies: These are cookies that are set by other parties or websites that we do not control. They are used to provide you with additional features and functionalities, such as social media sharing buttons, embedded videos, analytics tools, or advertising networks.

How You Can Manage Cookies


You can manage your cookie preferences and settings by adjusting your browser or device settings or using other tools. You can choose to accept or reject all cookies or only certain types of cookies. You can also delete the cookies that are already stored on your browser or device. However, please note that if you disable or delete cookies, some parts of our website or services may not work properly or may not be available to you.

How We Update This Cookie Policy


We may update this cookie policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices, technologies, laws, or regulations. We will notify you of any material changes by posting the updated cookie policy on our website or by sending you an email. Your continued use of our website or services after the effective date of the updated cookie policy constitutes your acceptance of the changes.

How You Can Contact Us


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this privacy policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at:

i2D Communications Limited Address:
Level 1, Building 11,
Road 2, Lane 3, Block K,
Halishahar H/E
Chattogram 4100,

Email: info@i2Dcom.tech
Phone: +8801713267356

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